Podcast Episode 65: 2023 Etsy Trends

etsy podcast Jan 04, 2023
 2023 Etsy Trends: Indigo and Honeycomb, everything cozy, eclectic, '90s

Watch this episode on YouTube: 


Happy New Year, you guys!!!! I can’t believe we’re already staring down 2023. How are you?? I’m so excited to catch up with y’all!! I’ve missed you!!!


How were your holidays and your quarter 4 in your Etsy shop? I’ll bet a bunch of you are breathing sighs of relief now that you can take a bit of a slower pace for a bit. It was always the best feeling to be past the Christmas rush. I’m not gonna lie—it was really nice to take a break from it this year and just enjoy the season. But I definitely felt like I was missing part of myself! It was like this nagging feeling that I was forgetting to do something. Lolllll


This year has been both extremely slow and extremely fast for me—what about you? I feel like it drug on throughout my early pregnancy—you know those super exhausted, morning sick months tend to feel really long, and then the summer felt kinda normal, but as soon as August hit it’s like I blinked and everything went into warp speed.


As you probably know at this point, I’ve been on maternity leave— so the past several episodes you heard were recorded a number of months ago. I had a little boy named Hunter in October and we’ve been navigating those oh-so-fun and sleepless first months with a newborn.


You know, I always wanted to be the kind of woman and mom who just delights in it and finds it so easy and natural—but I’m just NOT her lolll. And I have such mad respect for you mamas who have done this 4,56, or even more times. I really want to be like you, but I’m accepting that I’m not. I mean, don’t get me wrong—I am soaking up the newborn snuggles and feeling so joyful and grateful with my new little man—but the physical part of it has been really hard for both of my pregnancies.


I had so many challenges helping Hunter learn how to breastfeed without crazy pain for me, and we battled thrush for over a month. Guys, I literally managed to spread it to my EYE. (If you don’t know what thrush is—it’s really common with nursing moms and babies—basically you get an overgrowth of yeast in your breast and the baby gets it in their mouth so you spread it back and forth. It’s super contagious and can be difficult to shake. But it makes the baby latch weird because their mouth is uncomfortable and it causes piercing pain in your breasts even when you aren’t nursing.)


So you know me--- totally zombie sleep deprived and nursing in the dead of night RUBBING MY EYES lolll--- and I managed to spread the yeast infection to my eye. We’re mostly passed all of that now—but it was not my favorite.


And you know—newborns are kinda exhausting. I’m a super high energy person, but that requires a lot of sleep. So we’re just now feeling a little human again. He’s sleeping longer stretches at night and nursing like a champ. My 7 year old daughter Lorelai is such a good big sister—she’s an absolute sweetheart—but she’s going through a massive life transition too. Going from only child to sharing mom and dad with a new baby. It’s definitely hit her harder than we expected. She was soooooo excited about a baby and it’s been kind of a rude awakening for her. If you are a praying person—please say a prayer for her. She’s my little bestie and it’s hard watching her struggle.


So that’s my life for the past few months, guys. Thank you for all the DMs and emails and kindness—y’all have been absolutely precious. I have the most warm and supportive listeners on the internet for sure.


I’m VERY excited to get back to work--- and frankly still trying to figure out what that will look like. Don’t worry—the podcast isn’t going anywhere! I’m just still noodling around with my husband when I would be able to resume coaching sessions for you guys and building some other resources I’ve been dreaming up for you! I’m absolutely vibrating with excitement for this next year! And I hope you are too!


So with that—let’s dig into today’s topic, shall we?? We are taking a look at Etsy’s 2023 trend report to talk through what’s expected to be popular and how you can apply those trends to your own products and shop.


Here’s how to use this podcast--- I’m going to cover a ton of different niches and themes and share a bunch of numbers to help you gauge the popularity of the developing trends. I’m also going to share general trend information that will apply to everyone.


So the key is—don’t get overwhelmed. You don’t need to remember or use all of this info. Listen for the details that directly apply to your product line, or that surprise you or make you curious—that’s where you should focus or jot down a note. You can also mull over ways you can incorporate the general themes into your products, shop, and marketing this year. You should be thinking in the here and now—what you need to do right away—and also use the trends to help drive the direction you want to head in the future. Because we all have to keep growing, tweaking, and pivoting as the years go to continue to build a profitable, thriving business.


Here weeee go!


The major theme that Etsy shared about their platform for this next year—is they anticipate that in 2023, shoppers will embrace the contradictions in their lives—choosing to combine them rather than fight them or compartmentalize.


So for example—instead of choosing a color palette, we’ll see folks PAIR vibrant colors with earthy ones together.


Rather than committing to one style-- we’ll see a mixing and matching of different styles in both fashion and home décor. (Yay—freedom to really be ourselves!!)


We’ll see a combination of the futuristic with the nostalgic. (This is super interesting because I was noticing nods in this direction in the most recent Magnolia Journal put out by Joanna Gaines—particularly in their holiday gift guides!)


You can expect shoppers to dig even deeper into self-care and connection this next year as we all try to heal from the past few years of turbulence and create a new normal. So we’ll see a focus on things like shopping locally, celebrating cultural heritages, shoppers being drawn to hand crafted items—and really just choosing things they love—even if they feel ultra eclectic or don’t match.


So let’s talk specifics—first we’ve gotta start with the---




This year there are two colors of the year: Indigo and Honeycomb—so expect to see them in all different kinds of places-- and look for ways to incorporate them into your products. Remember that you can always offer variations AND create additional listings for the same product that show the variations. That’s a really good way to tweak or pivot your product to ride the trend.


So for example, if you sell planners, I would create other versions of your exact planner in indigo, honeycomb, and both—and make those additional listings in your shop so you can capitalize on the color trend. You’ll capture more visitors just by being able to add these color options to your listing titles, tags, and descriptions. (If you’ve been around here for a while—we talked about this last year for the color emerald which made its way into everything from wallpaper to dresses to tablescapes.)



There is an overall optimistic feeling going into 2023 and shoppers are looking for items that support their goals and planning.


Think motivation planners, inspirational wall art for the home office, and just-because greeting cards.


Budgeting is another big trend right now with the economy tightening--- Etsy has seen a whopping 206% YoY increase in searches for “monthly budget.” So if you are in a product space where you can create or tweak something to support budgeting and leverage those keyword spikes—get on that ASAP!


Just a side note for folks like me who are not super number savvy-- on this episode you’ll hear me use that phrase a lot—“year over year increase”—and that number just means that’s how many more people are searching for it now versus last year.


A few more immediate trends are for wellness and cozy products. Robes, loungewear, and blankets are big!


For all my fiber artists--- the spotlight is on you! There has been a 69% YoY increase in searches for the phrase “blanket throw.”


There is also a 96% YoY increase in searches for “cozy room decor”


For everyone else—you should be immediately creating your Valentine’s days listings if they apply. I would be keeping an eye on the biggest competitors in your niche and the items that Etsy is showing on their homepage to see what’s looking popular for Valentine’s day and gain inspiration!


*Remember you can see what’s trending at any time of year by going to OR going to and searching through the main product headings at the top of the page. Etsy highlights their biggest niches and you can see the strongest general listings for them by scrolling through those. It’s a little different on a pc versus a phone or tablet and I personally recommend using a pc for this kind of research. I find that I get better intel that way for future products I want to make.


BUT—quick protip here— when you are researching to understand your customer’s experience in finding you—use your phone and test both the Etsy app AND the browser to see what the customer path is to find you. Just make sure you logout first so Etsy isn’t just showing you stuff based on your previous searches.


There is a really fun book that talks all about how to gain creative inspiration that I like to recommend—it’s called “Steal Like An Artist: 10 things nobody told you about being creative” by Austin Kleon and I will link it for you in the shownotes. I revisit it every year because it always inspires and motivates me:


As far as trends—shoppers are keeping it simple this Valentine’s day. We’re seeing a leaning towards heart shaped items, retro floral patterns, and DIY keepsakes.


There is a 30% YoY increase in searches for “chrome heart ring” and a 109% YoY increase for “iridescent glass vase.”


And—the eclectic is not skipping Valentine’s day—there is also, interestingly, a 20% YoY increase in searches for “wooden mushroom.” Why that is relevant to Valentine’s day—I cannot tell you. Lolll—I am only the messenger.


There are a few notes to discuss around gifts this year—because we all know that tons of shoppers come to Etsy specifically for gifts. And of course—anything you can do to offer customizations and personalizations just makes your products that much more appealing to shoppers.


56% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “personalize gift mom”

53% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “initial necklace gold”


Another theme in gifting will be whimsical, childlike, and colorful selections. We’re seeing the bold colors here, neon which is my favorite, graphic shapes, doodles—lots of playfulness.



More than ever there is a draw towards making home a welcoming, cozy place to be. Remember the 96% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “cozy room decor” that we chatted about earlier?


Folks are also searching for things like pillar candles, chunky blankets, handmade quilts—just think SOFT TEXTURES.


But don’t forget—this is also the year of mixing and matching our favorite things—so in the midst of the cozy—there will be plenty of bold statements. Hence the 1420% YoY increase in searches for “hot pink décor.”


A few other trends you’ll see in home décor:


  •  An interest in desert themes—with desert-y landscapes, earthy colors, and textured ceramics that remind us of sandy shores and arid deserts.


  •  Jewel-toned jungle—Etsy has noticed an interest in themes that are both whimsical and moody at the same time. Think dark backdrops with banana leaves, or tree frogs, or fern fronds. People are bringing the outside in with these kinds of natural themes. They will often pair them with something metallic or iridescent as a delightful little contrast.


As an example, there has been a 126% YoY increase in searches for “dark floral wallpaper.”



  •  Natural Palette--- shoppers are loving everything in earth tones and then adding pops of bright color with accents and accessories.


48% YoY increase in searches on Etsy containing “earth tone wall art”


  •  Beautiful décor pieces for pets— seriously guys—if you are in the pet space, or somehow adjacent to it—research what the top players are doing. This niche is a honey pot!!


902% YoY increase in searches for “cat tree natural wood”


  •  Marble is a hot seller right now

346% YoY increase in searches for “marble coaster set”

183% increase in searches for “marble sink”


  •  The “Contemporary cabin” style is trending

332% YoY increase in searches for “wall décor wood”


  •  Metallic details—like chrome accent décor, iridescent vases, metal statement lighting is huge, vintage glassware. Shoppers are leaning in to Y2k nostalgia and 1970s space age décor.


56% YoY increase in searches for “space age furniture”





The bigger trends in fashion this year will include creative layering, maximalist styling, and utilitarian outerwear.


I had to look up “maximalist styling” because your girl is superrrr fashion simple lolll—like, give me some crocs, jeans and a flannel, thanks! So for anyone else who is wondering—“maximalist style” is a “more is more” approach. It involves layered patterns, lots of accessories, really saturated colors, and an overall bold look. This definitely explains a lot of what we’re seeing at Target that I can’t relate to. But I totally appreciate why people find it fun and exciting! LOL.


Ok, I just have to insert this here, lollll, do any of you follow Jen Hamilton ( on TikTok or Instagram? She’s, oh my gosh, I just love her—she’s a labor and delivery nurse—and that content is interesting-- but she’s also just a doll and SO FUNNY. She has chickens and at least one of them named “Mayonnaise” lives indoors and wears a diaper. I think the first video I ever saw of hers on my For you page was one where she was swaddling this chicken after a bath and she had me in stitches. But anyway—she did this TikTok back in November about how she could not relate to anyyyyyy of the clothing at Target right now and it was the most relatable content ever for me. She got plenty of push back because plenty of people get this eclectic, bold new style—but she and I are old millennials, borderline gen x and we don’t get it. It’s worth a watch and you should definitely follow her if you’re on TikTok or Instagram.  I will link her and the Target video in the shownotes. And fun fact—if you’re not on TikTok you can still watch it without an account from your browser. So you don’t have to be left out on this one! 😊


Jen Hamilton TikTok:


Target TikTok:


Jen Hamilton Instagram:


OK I’m getting us back on track now. Lolllll—I just couldn’t help it because it’s all I could think about preparing for this episode.


So let’s dig into some of the sub-trends:

  •  Outdoorsy and utilitarian

98% YoY increase in searches for “quilted vest”

MAN—so many opportunities for my fiber artists and seamstresses and quilters this year!


  •  ‘90s Trends

Motorcycle aesthetics—welcome back grunge and ‘90s punk trends 

107% YoY increase in searches for “racing jacket”


281% YoY increase in searches for “90s blazer”


61% YoY increase in searches for “crossbody bag”


  •  Embroidery is making a comeback—especially in unexpected places like sweatshirt collars and on jeans. I think this one is a neat opportunity! If you’re playing with this niche at all, I’d love to hear from you and what kinds of projects you’re working on.


  •  For my jewelry makers—this one is for you—accessory stacking is expected to be huge so there’s lots of possibilities for you if you style your products well! In addition to the long popular stacking rings--- now bracelets, necklaces, and earrings will be trending as well.


Minimalist gold necklaces, hoops, huggies, and studs that can accommodate multiple piercings are in demand.


47% YoY increase in searches for “huggie earrings”


354% YoY increase in searches for “chain necklace chunky”



Right now parents are really drawn to the basics with simple, natural toys. I feel like this has been happening over time and will continue to have a slow burn—so it’s a really wise niche if you love stability and staying power.


56% increase in searches for building block sets or toys


Again—a big emphasis on nature:

49% increase in searches on Etsy for jungle nursery decor

12% increase in searches for ocean nursery décor


And that—is about it. Definitely check out the linked articles if you’d like even more!


But—in summary:

  •  There will be a heavy focus on the colors indigo and honeycomb.
  •  People are looking for unique pieces that feel authentic to them and they won’t hesitate to mix styles to curate a collection of items that feels personal.
  •  Natural and earthy themes are showing up everywhere. Often contrasted by a statement piece or color pop.
  •  Layers and patterns are IN.
  •  Cozy is still KING. 😊



I think it’s a really exciting time to be on Etsy. There are new successful shops popping up every day and also plenty of oldies but goodies that have stood the test of time and are enjoying consistent, dependable business from the platform.


But I also want to hear from you! Tell me what you want to hear more about this year! What kinds of episodes are the most helpful? What types of stories would you like to hear? What can I create and provide for you to help you solve problems, find success, and answer questions? The best ways to reach me are via DM on Instagram. I’m at @HowtoSellYourStuff OR shoot me an email at [email protected]. I’m a little slower at responding these days as I’m getting used to managing the homeschooling, the baby, and my work—but I want to hear back and I’ll respond as quick as I can. 😊


Also- if you are enjoying this podcast and find it helpful, I’d be so honored if you left us a review! They are a huge encouragement to me and they also help other people who are considering tuning in figure out if they want to take the time to listen. Most of the podcast apps make it super simple—on apple, just go into the podcast where it shows the list of episodes and scroll all the way down until you get to “Ratings and Reviews.”


Thank y’all so much for being the absolute best audience on the interwebs. I’m completely obsessed with you guys and you bless me to no end. I’m sending you the biggest hug and prayers and sweet wishes for the new year. 2023 y’all! Let’s DO THIS! Remember—there’s more than enough room here and on Etsy for you! I’ll help you find your sweet spot. 😊 Until next time—go make something awesome. I love you guys!




We all blinked and here we are staring down 2023-- and I want to help you get a head start on Etsy marketplace trends for the new year! Today we’re talking all about the Etsy trends you can expect to see in 2023. Come learn what shoppers are searching for. Can you incorporate any of these into your shop?

**“How to Sell Your Stuff on Etsy” is not affiliated with or endorsed by



Etsy trend article:

Second trend article:

Find out what’s trending year round:

“Steal Like An Artist: 10 things nobody told you about being creative” by Austin Kleon:


Jen Hamilton TikTok:


Target TikTok:


Jen Hamilton Instagram:



FREE PDF DOWNLOAD: “4 Strategies I Used to Grow My Etsy Shop from $25 to $6000k/month”:

Grab my Course “Etsy Listings that Sell” and learn how to skyrocket your Etsy business:   

Find me on Instagram and TikTok @HowtoSellYourStuff







Me! And the Resources section on my website. If you have questions specific to your personal niche on Etsy, you should definitely come check out my Resource page at where I will connect you with my favorite free and paid resources created by experts I have personally vetted. Whether you sell POD, digital products, printable, physical products and more—there’s info waiting for you to help you on your Etsy journey!  

Recommended Resources:


*Some of the links above are affiliate links which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. You can see my affiliate disclosure here:

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